
Mobilizing students to share their faith [podcast]

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkMatt Brown joined us last Monday to talk about mobilizing students to share their faith. Matt, formerly with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, shared with us from his experience and passion for sharing the gospel. His upcoming book, Revolutionaries: Men & Women in Every Century Who Advanced Christianity, also discusses people who spread the gospel and set the example for us to follow.

Also check out my video with Matt where we discussed 5 ideas to help teenagers share their faith.

Some of the things we talked about:

  • The current state of evangelism in our youth groups
  • Why it’s important that we model it first
  • Ideas to implement into your youth meetings
  • Handling “persecution” for sharing our faith
  • And a lot more…

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

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Next Monday’s discussion

October 26: Next week’s guest is Dennis Poulette, a youth ministry professor at a seminary in Mexico, who will lead us in a discussion about, “Working with cross-cultural students and minorities at youth group.” At 2:00 PM eastern time, call (724) 444-7444 and enter ID 19105#, or use the link on the LIVE YM Talk page to listen online and join the chat room.

Join our next LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation!

Posted on October 24, 2009

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