
Links and posts to check out (vol 6)

Breaking the ice – using icebreakers in small groups
(Grahame writes about using icebreakers in small groups and as group building/participation activities before teaching. He shares 10 icebreakers in the post.)

MySpace Session Notes
(Josh posted the PowerPoint show of his workshop for parents on MySpace as a free download.)

Thou Shalt Not Kill, Except in a Popular Video Game at Church
(A New York Times article. I was actually contacted by the author for an interview, but none of my content was used. No big deal. Still raises a great issue.)

Youth perspective on youth ministry
(I agree! We treat youth with a double standard. When parents want their son to mow the lawn, it’s because he’s a man, but if they want him home by dark, it’s because he’s still a boy. The church does the same thing.)

My problem with youth ministries
(Katherine’s attitude is misplaced, but her perception that the church needs to expect more from young people is totally correct. In my opinion, ministries tend to only go as deep as the spiritual depth of its leader, including youth ministries.)

Guy tries to reclaim someone else’s foot
(Wow, how random is this?! Listen to this radio interview. Via Justin)

Posted on October 9, 2007

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