
Links to check out (Vol. 10)

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve recommended new sites, blog posts and links to check out around the web. Here’s some recent stuff I came across that might benefit you and your ministry or are just plain ol’ fun.

The Body of Christ – a themed youth evening of icebreakers, games and talk!
Another great list of ideas from Grahame that explore what it means to be part of the body of Christ.

Mario and Halo video
Hilarious! Someone put a lot of time into combining Mario and Halo together in this video.

Most students in high school do NOT plan to leave the church
Ugh, I’m tired of all the hype and fear surrounding all the statistics about teens and the church. This article shows that teens stay in church because of its involvement in their lives.

Hide and go poop game
Oh man, this video had me laughing so hard I started crying! Maybe I can get my Sr. Pastor in on this and make it a staff game.

The Four Pillars of Youth Ministry 2008
Do you have a plan for 2008? Don’t steal this one — seek God’s unique vision for your ministry as these guys have done.

10 Proven Ideas for Fundraising Beyond the Car Wash
Audio recording of a lady sharing with youth workers how to do fundraising to meet your ministry goals.

Growing Up Online: Just how radically is the Internet transforming the experience of childhood?
A PBU Frontline report. You can watch the whole broadcast online, but be aware that some of the typical media hype about predators and risks pops up even though the facts say this kind of behavior just is not that common. Read Anastasia Goodstein’s review of it here.

Posted on January 28, 2008

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