
Freebie Friday 210: Maps of 203 countries with religious stats

Free youth ministry resources every FridayFor this week’s Freebie Friday, the Baptists Committed to World Evangelism (BCWE) organization is giving away 203 maps of different countries and territories of all over the world, all downloadable in one zip file.

They say:
Download free missions maps

“We would like to offer you a free resource to promote missions in your church. Feel free to use these graphics in anyway that you choose to raise awareness of the need for world evangelism.”

I downloaded the pack and it’s a pretty good overview of our world’s population and religious beliefs. If you’re looking for something to plaster all over the walls of your youth room, these maps could serve as good missions reminders.

LinkDownload 203 maps with religious stats

NOTE: These slides are not copyrighted but they ask that you do not use them for financial profit.

[ HT to Trent Cornwell ]

Posted on January 7, 2011

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