
Novell Linux Desktop 10 preview

Topic / Technology

I’ve posted before about my reservations concerning Windows and how I’m looking forward to switching to Linux when I can. I’d make the switch now and say goodbye to all my Microsoft frustrations, but I’m still too reliant on Windows for a couple applications that are not yet available for other platforms. The Ubuntu Linux distribution seems to be the best one out there so far for normal desktop usage that I’ve used. I have a system at home with the Ubuntu OS installed and all my experience with it has been positive, although it’s still not quite user-friendly enough for the average user.

However, PC World reported today on the preview of Novell’s Linux Desktop 10 and it sounds pretty sweet. I’m definitely gonna try it out when it releases in a couple months.

Although it’s obviously just a matter of time until Linux becomes a major player in the operating system market, maybe Linux Desktop 10 will be the Linux system I’m looking for much sooner than expected.

Posted on February 2, 2006

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