
Pictures from first day at NYWC Austin

(Click thumbnails to view full-size images)

Touching Dan Kimball's hair!
Touching Dan Kimball’s hair!!! Woo hoo! The poor guy only had 2 hours of sleep last night.

Tic Long David Crowder leading worship
Left: Tic Long | Right: David Crowder leading worship

Hawk Nelson Jared Hall performing illusions
Left: Hawk Nelson in concert | Right: Jared Hall the illusionist

Buster Soaries Mike Pilavachi
Left: Buster Soaries teaching general session #1 | Right: Mike Pilavachi teaching general session #2

David Crowder Band Marko!
Left: David Crowder Band | Right: Marko

Mike Lewis, The Jesus Painter David Crowder
Left: Mike Lewis, The Jesus Painter | Right: David Crowder

[tags]National Youth Workers Convention, NYWC, Youth Specialties, Dan Kimball, David Crowder, Hawk Nelson, Jared Hall[/tags]

Posted on October 7, 2006

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