
Pictures from the last day of the NYWC


I also have a good amount of video from the convention that I’ll make available online within a day or two, but for now here are some highlight pictures from the last day of the convention. Visit my photo album to see all my pictures from the convention.

Dana and me with Tic Long
Dana and me with Tic Long

Tic encouraging new youth pastor Lost and Found
Left: Tic encouraging a brand new youth pastor | Right: Lost and Found comedy

Jeremy Camp leading worship Me and Dana
Left: Jeremy Camp leading worship | Right: Me and Dana

Marko teaching Tic reading about communion
Left: Marko teaching about humility | Right: Tic

See my entire NYWC photo album

[tags]NYWC, National Youth Workers Convention, Youth Specialties, Tic Long, Lost and Found, Jeremy Camp, Marko[/tags]

Posted on October 9, 2006

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