
Podcast: Keys to successful event planning

Topic / Podcasts

Yesterday in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation Terrace Crawford was our featured guest teaching us how to pull off meaningful youth events. He’s done many big events both for ministries and radio stations and has a lot of experience and ideas that were beneficial to us. We discussed responsibility delegation, fundraisers, expectations, budget and other things in relation to planning events. (I also think we laughed in this podcast more than any other one so far!)

Check out Terrace’s site at

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

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Next week’s discussion

November 7th: Again, due to some scheduling conflicts, next week’s LIVE YM Talk is still to be determined. Keep your eye on the LIVE YM Talk, Twitter and the Facebook page below for what’s going on. Either way, join us at 2:00 PM Eastern time next Friday!

Join our next LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation!

Posted on November 1, 2008

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