
So much to do this summer

Hmm… I’ve been asked by the guy who directs the camp midsouth summer camp for the Evangelical Covenant denomination if I would be the director for the 7th-9th grade cabins and counselors this year. Surprisingly, I’m not really sure if should accept or not. I mean, I really want to! It would be a lot of fun, it lends itself to my gifts and abilities, and I have plenty of experience as a camp director. My hesitation is definitely not an issue of intimidation or unqualification (if that’s a word) — my main issue is time management. I don’t have the time to plan for Breakaway with Angel Tree in N.J., do everything that getting the Redeemer kids to CHIC in Knoxville will require, organize and lead the 7th-9th grade team for Frontier Camp, and somehow effectively maintain the youth ministry at Redeemer. There’s also the Ukraine missions trip this summer. Fortunately, I’m not in charge of that, but it will still require some time, planning, and preparation on my part, not to mention that each of these events eliminates a week of time that I could spend on preparing the other events. That’s also 4 weeks I go without a paycheck from my other job, assuming they even let me go for that long. It would be a ton of work and a lot to handle for one summer. I wanna do it all, but I’ll obviously have to pray about this and prioritize here. Anyone who wants to keep this prayer request in mind for me is greatly appreciated.

Posted on October 31, 2005

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