Telling God’s Story with 22 tips from Pixar
Pixar shares 22 storytelling tips that can help us tell God’s Story, but first let’s understand the storytelling aspects of God’s Story.

How we tell God’s Story makes an eternal difference
God’s story is the most life-changing narrative that exists, yet the church often struggles to tell it in engaging ways.

The missing link in discipleship
Attend this free training from Dare 2 Share called, “The Missing Link,” to improve your ministry’s discipleship process!

Approaching God with conditions [Time Out]
What’s holding you back from following the Lord as your first priority? Are you approaching Him with conditions?

Using long car rides to connect
Two ideas for using long car rides to connect with teenagers, even if they’re in the back of the bus listening to their ipods.

Arrogant Student Leaders
How would you answer this youth worker’s question about student leaders who are running ministry on their own with no adults or input from youth leaders?

The best thing you can do for families in your ministry
The divorce rate among Christians is similar to that of unbelievers, but when a married couple prays together, that statistic drops.

Get alone and get real
How do you teach a teenager how to pray when they have no understanding of it?