

Hmmm… Videoblogging. Sounds cool, especially for youth ministry. I’ve never done it, but I guess it makes sense. Blogging with text and podcasts has been pretty popular, but is videoblogging where all this is heading? I have all the equipment for it. Maybe I should try it out a couple times. It just sounds like a drag to make sure I’m presentable for video whenever I blog, but I guess it would would be easier than typing a lot when out on youth trips or something. Flash streaming is the way to go with video on the Internet because of its compatibility with Mac and Windows and all browsers and its no-wait time for videos to start playing, but Flash hosting is pretty expensive. Hmmm, I’ll have to think about this and see what I figure out. There’s something about writing, though, that forces an individual to articulate their thoughts and release it in a somewhat creative and organized fashion. I think this is what attracts me to to blogging more than anything else. Would videoblogging have the same affect? I kinda think not, but I guess I can give it a try and find out.

A tutorial on videoblogging can be found at

Posted on December 13, 2005

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