
What I learned about ministry in 2008

What I learned about ministry in 2008I did this for 2007 and thought it appropriate to reflect back on what I learned about ministry in 2008.

  1. Communicating a clear vision for my ministry is probably the most important thing for my leadership, building trust, and the kids’ spiritual growth.
  2. I need to utilize parents in every aspect of the ministry as much as possible.
  3. Saying “no” to teenagers and parents is very critical to the health of our ministry.
  4. I must always lead by example. I should never expect the teenagers to follow my challenges until I am first modeling it in my own life.
  5. I will not always have a great relationship with every teenager, and that’s okay.
  6. Everyone has different expectations of the youth ministry and most of them I can respectfully ignore if the vision is clearly communicated.
  7. People don’t naturally follow until they know where they’re going and why.
  8. I need to keep my teaching to jr. highers much more concrete with only one clear “big idea.”
  9. It’s okay to let parents and teens take personal responsibility for raising funds for youth trips and events.
  10. I am very intolerant of people who distort the Gospel.
  11. Most kids really do want to go deep into God’s Word more than they want to play games, even unbelievers.
  12. I can do almost anything if I have my wife’s love and support.

Posted on December 31, 2008

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