
5 free downloads for a youth group games iPhone app [Freebie Friday]

Youth group games for the iPhoneOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #288

A youth leader from Sydney, Australia, recently developed an iPhone App called, “Group Games.” It is a database of over 100 youth group games that can be easily searched on an iPhone through various categories or by simply selecting a few options about how many kids you have, how long you want the game to take, how much prep it needs, and more.

I got a copy to check out and, while many of the games are not new to me, it is very handy app to have readily available for those moments when you’re killing time in the parking lot with kids or you need a game idea quick because the game you originally planned just flopped flat on it’s face.

The screenshots of the app below give you a feel for how it works and what it’s like, or see them in high res on the “Group Games” iTunes page.

The app is only $0.99, but if you want it free, I actually have 5 copies to give away! Here’s how to enter to win one of them:

  1. Upload a picture to the Life In Student Ministry Facebook Page of your youth group playing one of your favorite games.
  2. Explain how to play the game in the description text of the photo.
  3. Check out some of the other people’s photos and games and “like” the ones you think are best.

Next Friday, July 13, 2012, I’ll pick my favorite 5 youth group games (based on originality, creativity, and your votes with “likes”) and highlight them in a future post here on Life In Student Ministry. Those 5 people will also get a code for a free download of Group Games. Just make sure you can accept Facebook messages from me!

LinkCheck out, “Group Games,” on iTunes

Posted on July 6, 2012

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