
Podcast: Youth pastors working with senior pastors

Yesterday in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation Tony Myles led us in a very insightful discussion about working with sr. pastors. Having spent many years as a youth worker and now on the other side of the fence as a sr. pastor, his perspective was very helpful. He helped us understand what sr. pastors are often thinking, what they want from their youth workers, how to handle a stressed sr. pastor relationship, and a lot more. This is a conversation you’ll definitely want to listen to.

Last week Tony spoke on a related topic at Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention in Pittsburgh. His seminar was titled, “Secrets from the other side: What I learned about youth ministry by becoming a lead pastor.” Check it out for a link to download his talk from the NYWC.

If you are currently struggling in your relationship with your sr. pastor or have further questions for Tony personally on this issue, he gladly extends himself to you. Email him: tonymyles(at)hotmail(dot)com.

You can listen to the whole conversation below or grab it in iTunes.

1. Download this episode     

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Next week’s discussion

November 14th: Again, due to some scheduling conflicts, next week’s LIVE YM Talk is still to be determined. Keep your eye on the LIVE YM Talk, Twitter and the Facebook page below for what’s going on. Either way, join us at 2:00 PM Eastern time next Friday!

Join our next LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation!

Posted on November 8, 2008

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