
100,000+ teen girls bought and sold for sex in the USA

Topic / Culture, Videos

I really love this video we made at Epipheo. It addresses an issue that needs to be talked about more than it is because, even if you don’t have kids in your youth group who are being trafficked for sex, statistics indicate that 1 out of 4 girls have been sexually abused. That means a quarter of the girls in your youth group may have had sexual experiences forced upon them for the very reasons outlined in this video.

Our mission at Epipheo is to “reveal truth in a way that changes people’s lives.” If the truth that’s revealed in this video takes place, it could truly change the lives of at least 100,000 teenage girls in our own hometowns.

Consider sharing this video to help raise awareness for the Epik Project and the part that each of us play in standing against teen trafficking in the US.

Posted on June 13, 2012

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