
Freebie Friday #124: Survey for evaluating the spiritual influence of your ministry

Free youth ministry resources every FridayYesterday I wrote that I’m thinking about ending our large-group youth meetings and mentioned a survey that helped me come to some of the conclusions that I shared. You can download a copy of my survey below.

However, my lesson was on Matthew 9, specifically on Jesus’ illustration of the wine skins. I used the video called Spilt Milk from 36 Parables and most of the lesson that accompanies it, but I only used it as a guideline since I wanted to explain more about Jesus’ message within the larger context of Matthew 9. My lesson notes below are free for you to use, but I didn’t write down most of my message about Matthew 9 itself, so you should study that passage on your own before teaching it.

Word documentNew Wine Skins Lesson
Word documentNew Wine Skins Survey

Join us at 2:00 PM EST this afternoon in our LIVE YM Talk. Our featured guest is Julio Nieves and he’ll lead us in a discussion about soul care for youth workers. See the LIVE YM Talk page for details on how to join the call and/or the live chat.

Posted on May 7, 2009

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