
Freebie Friday #125: Photo scavenger hunt list

Free youth ministry resources every FridayAlmost two years ago for Freebie Friday #37 we gave away a photo scavenger hunt list that my own group used and had a blast. In fact, it became tradition to end each school year’s jr. high small group ministry with all the small groups competing against each other. When it’s over, I quickly dump all the group’s pictures into iPhoto and play a slideshow while we eat ice cream and laugh together.

Below is the list I used for this year’s photo scavenger hunt. You can see some of the pictures here. Not all the groups got their pictures turned in, but it’ll give you an idea anyway.

1. Everyone in your group sitting in one chair together at the house of someone from your group – 200 pts.
2. Someone in your group juggling two or three balls while at least 5 strangers watch and applaud – 250 pts.
3. Your group with an outdoor sculpture – 150 pts.
4. Everyone in your group laying on the ground, spelling out a word with your bodies – 200 pts.
5. A group photo with one member from your group dressed in very formal attire – 350 pts.
6. Something that begins with the letter Z. (No made-up words) – 300 pts.
7. Someone from your group on a motorcycle ride – 350 pts.
8. Your group posing a scene from a Disney movie in the middle of the mall – 400 pts.
9. Your group doing exactly what a sign says. (Your group may not create the sign.) – 200 pts.
10. Fit your entire group under a picnic table – 400 pts.
11. Group picture with someone in a uniform – 300 pts.
12. Create a work of art with sidewalk chalk in a public parking lot – 500 pts.
13. Picture of someone from your group wearing a blue Walmart vest, greeting people and handing out yellow smiley face stickers to strangers – 500 pts.
14. Someone from your group pumping gas for a stranger – 250 pts.
15. Your group with someone 85 years or older who is holding their ID with birth date – 400 pts.
16. Your entire team simultaneously drinking from the same soda can with straws – 250 pts.
17. Your entire team being chased by another Journey team – 150 pts.
18. Your entire team in the dark with each person shining a flashlight on their face – 400 pts.
19. Your entire team in a boat – 250 pts.
20. Two people from your team helping a stranger fold clothes at a laundry mat – 400 pts.
21. Two members of your team bagging groceries for strangers at someplace other than Walmart – 350 pts.
22. Your entire team giving a group hug to a Fleet Farm employee – 350 pts.

Join us at 2:00 PM EST this afternoon in our LIVE YM Talk. Our featured guest is Mark Matlock and he’ll lead us in a discussion about shaping youth ministry around parents. See the LIVE YM Talk page for details on how to join the call and/or the live chat.

Posted on May 14, 2009

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