
I’m going to the NYWC in Austin!

NYWC Logo Wow, God just did a huge thing for my me and my wife!

We’re both big fans of [tag]Youth Specialties[/tag]’ [tag]National Youth Workers Convention[/tag] and have attended several of them over the years. This year I was especially glad to see the [tag]NYWC[/tag] coming to [tag]Austin[/tag] since it’s relatively close to us here in Dallas and would save us a lot of transportation costs (driving 10 hours to Nashville last year was pretty rough). However, a quick estimate of the registration costs, food, lodging and gas easily went way over this year’s youth budget. My wife and I evaluated whether or not we could cover the expenses out of our own pocket, but there’s just no way. So, knowing we wouldn’t get there on our own, we decided to trust God with the details.

To make a long story short, Marko, president of Youth Specialties, heard about my request to find an affordable way to attend the convention this weekend and e-mailed me yesterday saying he’ll cover the registration costs for me and Dana if we can still make the trip! I read the e-mail and my heart stopped. I re-read it and then read it again just to make sure it was real. Dana worked it out with her job to take Friday and Monday off work, our interim pastor gave me the go-ahead, God lead us to a quality hotel at a dirt-cheap price and now we’re set to go! Woo hoo! Thanks [tag]Marko[/tag]!

I’ll do my best to blog throughout the convention about what the Lord’s teaching me, new youth ministry ideas, cool resources, pictures, etc, so check back often.

Thanks God! I can’t wait for Friday!

Posted on October 4, 2006

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