
Toolkit for dealing with suicide in your community [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #231

Thanks to Luke McFadden for tipping me off to this week’s free youth ministry resource. It’s a free toolkit by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that helps teachers (and anyone who works with teens) think proactively about how to deal with the loss of a youth to suicide in the church or community. It is not geared toward youth ministries specifically, but it still has a lot of great info. It is a best practices document that is incredibly thorough and contains up to date info (including how to deal with social media surrounding a loss of life through suicide).

Issues like suicide are ones you want to be trained on how to respond before it happens rather than trying to put the emotions of your kids on hold while you go study about it. Be proactive and educate yourself about how to respond to suicide and prevent it in the first place by reading through this free toolkit.

LinkDownload the suicide prevention toolkit

Posted on June 3, 2011

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