
Two Youth Ministry Conferences: NYWC vs. NYMC

Topic / Training

NYWC vs NYMCIt’s obviously hard not to compare Group’s National Youth Ministry Conference to Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention, the grand-daddy of youth ministry training. In fact, just in this past week I’ve already received Facebook messages and emails from several of you asking that very question: How do they compare and which one should I go to next year? The answer probably depends mostly on your values and what you’re looking for in a youth leader conference. For example, I personally don’t care for all the marketing that goes on at the NYWC exhibit hall, but I know some people really value having all the vendors together in one spot for resourcing their ministry. Also, some youth workers are looking for training in the wide assortment of topics and issues that are available at NYWC, while others want to go deep in only one area like the NYMC provides. Each conference provides solid youth ministry training, great information, general sessions, workshops and seminars, entertainment, and counselors. The differences mostly lie in their approach and what it is you’re looking for.

One of my sr. high youth leaders went with me to Youth Specialties’ NYWC last October for the first time and now to the NYMC for the first time, also. The video below is a summary our thoughts comparing the pros and cons of each conference.

NOTE: This video is our very first conversation comparing the two conferences and is solely based on our personal preferences and what we were looking for in a conference. Your experience and values may differ and that’s totally okay. I should also disclose that I was a presenter at the NYMC.

NYMC 2009 Highlights

Tom Roepke posted a couple highlight videos of the NYMC from last week:

Brian Ford’s reflections on the NYMC.

Phil Bell’s recap of the NYMC 2009

Rick Warren like you’ve never seen him

If you’ve been to both conferences, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Posted on March 18, 2009

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