
Freebie Friday #115: Youth ministry training videos from the NYMC 2009

Free youth ministry resources every FridayThere was a lot of great youth ministry training at the National Youth Ministry Conference last weekend! Some of it came from your’s truly, which is what I have permission to post below.

Communicating with teens and parents throughout the week

My brown bag lunch seminar on Communicating with Teens and Parents Throughout the Week was packed! Ran out of chairs, so people sat around on the floor and stood in the back. It was a great time! Here’s the description of what we covered:

What means of communication do you use with teens and parents throughout the week and how well is it working for your ministry? Tim Schmoyer gives ideas for improvement, shows you how to utilize aspects of communication technology, and shares ways you can evaluate which method works best for your group.

Watch it on Vimeo: Communicating with teens and parents throughout the week

Panel discussion with a few of our favorite youth ministry bloggers

I was also on a panel of youth ministry bloggers, along with Chuck Bomar of, Chris Davis of and Joshua Griffin of We talked about some of the basics of blogging and answered many questions from the audience on just about everything from online video, search engine optimization, and how to get people to visit your site.

Watch it on Vimeo: Panel discussion with a few of our favorite youth ministry bloggers

The Skit Guys performing at the NYMC 2009

We all love The Skit Guys, especially their improv comedy when using guests to make sound effects for them. If you’re ready for a lot of good laughs, here’s one of their skits in HD.

Watch it on Vimeo: The Skit Guys at NYMC 2009

Join us at 2:00 PM EST this afternoon in our LIVE YM Talk! Info on the LIVE YM Talk page.

Posted on March 5, 2009

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