
Made it to NYWC in Nashville

Topic / Training

Wow, what a rough trip. It was pretty uneventful as far as unforeseen problems are concerned, but making the 10-hour drive all night long was definitely not something I plan to attempt again any time soon. We made it safe and sound, but we’re all running on a total of 3 sporadic hours of sleep. All I can say is, Red Bull works wonders and too much Xbox in a van can make people a little crazy.

We left at around 9:00 PM last night and arrived at Bill’s house outside Nashville at 8:00 this morning. After quickly unloading our belongings, most of us took a quick nap for an hour before coming here to the convention center.

I’m currently writing from the “Digital Lounge” at the convention and just wanted to post a quick update. We’re about to grab some dinner and share some discussion and debriefing on our thoughts and ideas so far and their implication for our lives and ministry, but I’ll try to update in more details about my specific thoughts later tonight from Bill’s house… if I can stay awake that long. Hopefully I can get some pictures posted, too.

Posted on November 18, 2005

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