Social media usage in church = higher retention?
Research shows that students who use Twitter in class score higher grades, so should we encourage teens to socially engage with sermons?

Using a parent newsletter to impact teens [interview]
Parent newsletters can be an impactful way to communicate and to help families become spiritually influential.

You spoke, LISM is changing (2 of 2)
My responses to several of the reoccurring themes that showed up in the comments section in the reader survey.

You spoke, LISM is changing (1 of 2)
Here are the results of the reader survey! Your feedback was very helpful and helps me make some changes this upcoming year.

Join me at Dare2Share Columbus this weekend!
This weekend I’m going to the Dare2Share Untour Conference in Columbus and would love to connect with you!

Making LISM more valuable for you in 2011
Complete a short survey to help me make this site more valuable for you in 2011 and enter to win free youth ministry resources.

Get a FREE iPad or $599 Apple gift card for Christmas
I’ve received about $10,000 in free prizes from this company. Here’s how to get the iPad for FREE!

Moving LISM from hobby to… something more
The content here has been self-supporting, but now the blog needs to provide an income for me and my family.

Using your church bulletin to make a positive first impression
The bulletin is a tool churches hand out to all attendees every week, but few intentionally think through the impression it makes.

Technology we use in youth ministry [podcast]
Youth workers discuss tools and technology we use in youth ministry for communication and teaching.