
Youth Ministry

What is the role of the family in the local church?

Before we can jump to “how to” ideas for integrating family ministry into the church, we first need to answer this fundamental question.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Telling God’s Story with 22 tips from Pixar

Pixar shares 22 storytelling tips that can help us tell God’s Story, but first let’s understand the storytelling aspects of God’s Story.

read Listen Time: 31 Minutes

How we tell God’s Story makes an eternal difference

God’s story is the most life-changing narrative that exists, yet the church often struggles to tell it in engaging ways.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 4 Minutes

Focused Youth Ministry now on iBooks 2 and Kindle

Download this youth ministry ebook in the iBookstore or on Amazon Kindle to help you focus your youth ministry on God’s vision for your group.

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Free youth leader training for kicking off the school year [Freebie...

It’s important to train your youth leaders, especially before you kick off the new school year. This free training helps you to do just that.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

The missing link in discipleship

Attend this free training from Dare 2 Share called, “The Missing Link,” to improve your ministry’s discipleship process!

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Pioneering a “better way” for youth ministry

As great as youth ministry is, it has it’s problems. Could there be a better way to serve teenagers, families, and the church?

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Your top 4 favorite youth group games

Youth groups love playing games! Here are some favorite youth group games submitted to us by other youth workers.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Getting kids to commit to youth group events

Why do teens have such an easy time committing to other things in their life, but not youth group?

read Read Time: 3 Minutes