Using video to communicate youth group news (2 of 2)
In case you missed it, see Part 1 here about benefits of using video for youth group announcements and how to utilize it to it’s full potential.
Here are…

Using video to communicate youth group news (1 of 2)
Online video is growing like crazy. Here’s how you can use it to communicate with your youth group.

Podcast: Using media in teaching students
Yesterday in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation 16-year-old Michael Rothermel talked with us about how to use media to teach and communicate with his peers…

YouthBytes: A solid video curriculum for youth group
When I first heard about YouthBytes.org I thought, “Oh no, not another video curriculum of shallow content and lame production. The youth ministry video…

Q&A: Following-up with absent youth group students
Sorry guys, still playing catch-up on Q&A topics you’ve submitted, but I love the questions, so keep ’em coming!
Shelby Craig asked me this…

How to keep parents updated on youth trips (the fun way!)
The typical way of keeping parents up-to-date while on a youth trip is to call home when something bad happens. “Sorry, Mrs. Johnson. Your son has mashed…

Ideas for using txt messaging in youth ministry
Cutting-edge ideas and services for using txt messaging in youth ministry.